I still can’t believe I’m writing these words! With tears of joy in my eyes, it’s truly THE best and most wonderful blog post I’ve written in over 10 years. It almost doesn’t feel real. But God is good. We’ve been keeping this sweet little secret to ourselves {along with some close friends + family} since early April, and we’re just so thrilled to finally share with you all! BABY CHAMBLESS IS COMING DECEMBER 2022!!!
We have felt such an outpour of love and support from friends and family, it’s almost been surreal. The number of people who have prayed alongside us, felt our ups + downs, cried with us, and celebrated our wins – I can’t even put into words how grateful I am. How humbled I am to constantly be reminded that the people you surround yourself with matter. They matter a whole lot. And I’m just so grateful and encouraged to have such a supportive community around us!
This little one is truly a dream come true, and we are just thrilled to see what this next chapter has in store for our family. I cannot wait to become a Mother and experience all that motherhood has to offer. I cannot wait to see Sterling step into a role as a Father and watch him teach + guide our little one. I cannot wait to see my Mother and Mother In Law become grandmothers, and bear witness to a joy they’ve yearned for. I cannot wait for all the snuggles + even the late nights. I’m not naive to the fact that it will be challenging. That motherhood with stretch my patience and test me in ways I’ve never experience, but I’m embracing it all with open arms.
I just cannot wait to meet you!!!

He has made everything beautiful in its time | Ecclesiastes 3:11

I’ve always thought I would be a Mom one day, but never knew what that would look like. How old would I be? Would it be challenging to conceive? Would I enjoy being pregnant? I can’t say it’s been an easy path for us, but I know without a doubt I’m a stronger woman for that. I find myself being more patient, more understanding, more compassionate. Traits I always thought I embodied, but never realized how much growth there was to be had. Our journey has allowed me to cherish this baby in a way I never knew possible, and has literally awakened emotions I only dreamt of. I’m honestly not sure it’s something I’ll ever be comfortable fully opening up about here, and that’s ok. I say that not to be ominous or deliberately mysterious, but I think it’s important to acknowledge that everyone’s journey is different. If you’re struggling, I see you. If you’re relishing in those early days of a positive pregnancy test, I see you. We should all be able to wrap our arms one another, regardless of circumstance or the ‘how’ as to where we are today, and celebrate the pure joy that is LIFE. I’m growing a living, breathing, healthy tiny human inside my belly. How incredible is that?!
After our 19 week anatomy scan this morning, seeing those tiny hands + feet {oh my gahhhh}, I just can’t stop thinking about this verse from Psalm 139:14 ‘I praise You, for I am fearfully, and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and I know this very well.’ It’s hard to put into words, but I have honestly felt such a peace wash over me during this pregnancy, and it’s brought me such a sense of comfort to know that’s God’s way of constantly reminding me – he’s got this. It’s all going to be ok.

We do know the gender, but I’ll share that with y’all at a later date. I feel like I could ramble on and on with all the excitement, but I’ll leave it here for now. Cannot WAIT to share so much more with y’all. From what I’ve been learning from Mom friends, to registry finds, the nursery plans, and everything in between!
Photos by the ever to talented Anne Rhett Photography. I can’t thank you enough for capturing this precious moment in our lives. We will cherish these images forever, and I cannot wait to share them with baby C one day.