‘Tis the season to cuddle up on the couch or by a fire, and I’m here for it! Even though I spent many years in Florida and now in yet another predominantly hot/humid climate {i.e. Charleston}, I just love bundling up for fall + winter. There’s something so comforting about pulling on a cozy sweater or oversized scarf and feeling that crisp, cold air on your face. And while spring may be King for all things events {at least in my hometown}, I enjoy finding excuses for getting together with family + friends throughout the winter months as well. Granted, we have to get a little more creative since it can be a little harder to pull ourselves out of the house and away from the heat haha. Therefore, today, in partnership with ChappyWrap, I’m sharing 6 creative conversation starters for you to consider!

1. Chats for Creatives
As a female in the creative industry, I find I typically gravitate toward other women with similar work ethic and creative juices. It’s always incredibly inspiring to brainstorm with others that have similar experiences or workflow. Especially when you work for yourself, your days can feel really isolating. SO, if you find yourself around a fire, table or couch with fellow creatives that are open to more of a business chat, I love asking about a business owner’s process, something they’re currently struggling with, a goal they recently accomplished, etc. We can all learn from one another, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and truly connect! Also love these starter packs if you’re preparing for a creative retreat!
2. Food for Thought The Progressive Dinner
This may of may not be one of my all time favorite conversation starters when you’re amongst new OR old friends. You pose the question ‘If you could put together the PERFECT progressive dinner around town, what would be your must-visits? Starting with an appetizer + pre dinner drink, to soup/salad, entree, dessert + night cap.’ It’s always a crowd favorite, because hey – who doesn’t love food?! I love hearing people get passionate about their choices and watch them really think about their perfect food + drink progression.
3. Meet Your Person
Instead of the classic ‘dead or alive’, limit that to one or the other…‘Who is a person, currently alive, that you most want to meet right now?
4. Love Language
This is a bit more in-depth when it comes to creative conversation starters. And possibly a topic that more-so has to come up organically with close friends, but if you’re on the subject of relationships {which I feel is commonly at the center of conversations over drinks/dinner}, I can’t even count the number of time love languages or enneagrams has come up. Even if you’re not talking about a romantic relationship, it’s always insightful knowing + understanding your friends/family love language. Because, at the end of the day, understanding that will help you love your close ones better + more deeply! And if you have zero clue what a ‘love language’ is, visit this site for a better understand of the 5 love languages. It’s made all the difference in the world for my relationships!