Oh how long it’s taken me to get all this stuff edited and together for y’all! Sheesh. Better late then never! So today I’m sharing the first of two of my Bridal Showers. Since my Mom’s side of the family {and an abundant number of old family friends} live in Colorado, it made sense for her to host a shower out there, separate from my core group of friends + bridesmaids {will be sharing more on that shower later}.
Mom + I chatted a bit about the theme, and landed on High Tea with a Southern Pineapple twist! The location was a no-brainer and very personal for me. Glen Eyrie Castle was built in 1871 as the home of William Jackson Palmer, the founder of Colorado Springs. As a child, I spent countless weekends exploring the castle grounds, playing in the creek, attending events with my parents, hiking Queen’s Canyon/Punch Bowls {which is no longer accessible due to a massive fire a few years back}; it’s always been a place of serenity to me. If you ever find yourself in my hometown of Colorado Springs, it should 100% be on your must-visit list.
Mom did an amazing job putting all the decor together herself! Including these printed menus. I sported this bride iPhone case pretty much the entire time I was engaged! As a bride-to-be, you’re so excited with all the planning + festivities, I always found this to be a fun touch – would make for a great gift for a recently engaged friend!

The tea room had so many classically beautiful features with this gorgeous fireplace, ceiling moldings, chandeliers, wainscoting, etc. that the ‘bridal decor’ was left to a minimum to allow the room itself to shine. I loved how my Mom tied in the ‘south’ {since we were getting married in Charleston’ with a few pineapple touches.

One a table in the former, we had a table set up displaying my Great-Great Grandmother’s tea set {how sweet is that}?! Mom actually gave the set to me that day, and I currently have it displayed on your new living room bookcase. She also put together containers for the ladies to provide me with EASY recipes to try out {I’m no cook haha} + prayers from the ladies about our marriage.

Glen Eryie’s High Tea experience comes complete with delicious tea, homemade scones + sandwiches, and perhaps my favorite part – a huge selection of unique vintage cups! No two are alike. It was fun to go around all the tables and take a peek at all the sweet little designs of each setting.
Huge thank you to Glen Eyrie for being so accommodating on this special day, to all the ladies + old friends who came to celebrate the occasion, and last but certainly not least – a huge thank you to my sweet Momma who put this whole afternoon together!!! Every detail was with me in mind, and truly was one of the most special events anyone has ever held on my behalf. We laughed, we cried, and we enjoyed the company of good people in a gorgeous setting.
Hope y’all enjoyed this little peek into my shower!
photography by Brittany Nichole Stuart of Miss Beautymark
I love that you shared this. It looks lovely and like so much fun!
Looks like it was a shower fit for a princess! Beautiful photography, too!