I have been in need of a jewelry refresh for a while. I swear, my closet and accessories just get out of control sometimes: disorganization turns into stress getting ready in the morning as I’m frantically trying to find that one ring I wore out to brunch last week…you know the feeling.
As part of the Bottled Starbucks® Iced Coffee refresh campaign, I challenged myself to refresh my jewelry drawers and wall {in my closet, not seen here}. It’s always a work in progress, but I thought I’d share the latest update with y’all. My goal was to take every item out of the drawers, sort by metal or stone color, and determine if I really still needed it in my life. I find I get tired of certain pieces easily, so if I’m no longer going to wear it – toss {or post to Poshmark, where you can find a ton of new pieces I’m getting rid of}! I’m then able to see what I’m missing, if there are any specific colors I need to add to the collection. It also gives me the opportunity to remember what I have in the first place, haha. Rekindle the love with a few of my ‘oldies, but goodies’. As part of my refresh I actually just purchased a taller t-bar to hang my delicate necklaces, and a linen necklace form – both from Amazon, but I just discovered Stella & Dot also carries the linen style! Cannot wait till they come in!
Keeping my Bottled Starbucks® Iced Coffee on hand of course, helped me power through the grueling task. I’ll be honest, I’m not the biggest coffee drinker, but I do enjoy the occasional frappuccino or chilled coffee {no hot stuff for me, please}. With the variety in flavors with the latest bottled Starbucks Iced Coffee, I’m loving the ‘vanilla’ and ‘carmel’ options!
Bottled Starbucks® Iced Coffee provides great-tasting, uplifting refreshment with premium Starbucks® coffee from 100 percent arabica beans. Best enjoyed chilled, bottled Starbucks® Iced Coffee is the perfect full-flavored refreshment to help you get through the daily commute, the midday slump, or an exciting road trip adventure with friends.
Thanks for nice sharing 🙂
It’s my dream to have a dresser full of jewelry!
The organization is amazing!
Where’s the content on how to? The plug(s) on Starbucks were fine…but content?
Hi Wendy! I’ve given a few tips in the middle paragraph about how I sifted through and sorted my collection. Perhaps I should have made those tips bullets points for an easier read. Sorry about that! Let me know if you have any specific questions regarding how to refresh your jewelry 🙂
look at your jewelry!! so pretty!!!
iced coffee perfect for summer 🙂
Xo, Belen
Androbel (giveaway & new coffee shop!)
Love this! The organization is great because you can easily see and pick out the gorgeous pieces that you have!
The Style Storm
<3, Christina
This looks like heaven haha!
No seriously, it’s just amazing 🙂
xo Lyn
Can I just say I’m obsessed with your drawer organization! Definitely need to do something like this with my jewelry!
Majorrrr props to your organizational skills! Love how you organized your jewelry storage in drawers [My jewelry is scattered across my dresser/vanity/all over the apartment] !
xo Cassandra of http://www.thefrillish.com
Ooh, a jewelry refresh is the perfect idea for this post! I’m in desperate need of some jewelry organization containers, mine always ends up in a big pile on my dresser haha
xo, Liz
{What Dress Code?}
Wow, I wish I actualy had some sense to organize like this. It would help me out a lot to have fun jewelry storage like this. Maybe this will be my summer project to organize a little bit better.
Love all of this organization! I am moving soon, and when I get to my new place, I am revamping my jewelry storage! xo