From Japan and Greece, to Cashiers and Savannah, I’ve traveled near and far with quite a few friends. It’s not always fun + games {like that time my childhood bestie Amanda and I yelled at each other in the Tokyo airport about basically nothing…we were beyond exhausted after the flight and cranky hahaha – it was not cute}. But traveling with your bestie will certainly make for some of the most memorable moments in your lifetime. Moments to cherish and re-vist for years to follow!
Since this more recent trip to Cartagena with Sara, it spurred a post idea – tips for traveling with your bestie. The older I get, the more self aware I am. All that self awareness helps me be a better friend, partner in crime and overall a more mesh-able traveler buddy! Hope ya’ll enjoy!
Set Expectations Upfront
May seem like a no brainer, but this by far the most important way to start off a successful trip with your bestie before it even begins! Everyone travels differently, we all have our routine and quarks. Grab lunch, hop on a call, whatever and chat through what each of you are looking to do/accomplish/experience on the trip! If you know what to expect it will alleviate a lot of stress and anxious anticipation that may build up. This doesn’t have to be some ‘set-in-stone’ itinerary, but more so the overall convo of ‘hey – so what do you see for this trip’ type chat.
Airplane Seat Assignments
Don’t be afraid of sitting apart, or even flying separately if your schedule needs. Too often {especially when I’m traveling with my husband} I take the middle seat on a flight and am just annoyed by the whole thing. If it’s an international or long haul flight where getting some sleep will effect your travel comfortability, then just sit separately! It’s ok. You’ll have the entire trip to be together!

Separate Rooms / Beds
The older I get the more I’m aware that we’re all set in our ways. We all have little quirks and routines that make us tick. I find this to be especially true with travel. Even though you’re traveling with your bestie {and yes, you love each other} having separate rooms {or at least separate beds} will help keep you both on track with your normal routine. For example, I’m a night owl, so it’s always best for me to have a separate space of my own that I can get some late night computer work done without bothering my roommate. I’ve found it’s also just nice to have your own space – even if it’s just an hour each morning as you’re brushing your teeth or curling your hair. It’s just some nice ‘you time’. I swear it’ll make the time y’all spend together that much sweeter, AND allow for longer trips!
Embrace Your Differences + Compromise
Whether it be differing opinions on what type of transportation to take, what restaurant cuisine to enjoy that night or even an activity – hear what your friend wants to do and be open minded. Compromise is key to any friendship, so go with it. If you’re true besties, she’ll do the same for you. And sometimes challenging yourself to do something outside your comfort zone with make you grow as an individual.
Go With The Flow
Know that regardless of how much you plan ahead, how in-line your expectations are, etc. no trip is perfect. Go with the flow a little! I always build in ‘free’ time to any trip/itinerary. You never know what a local might recommend, what neighborhood you might just stumble upon or what bar might lure you in with live music! Those times are always some of the best experiences of the trip! When I was in high school/college this was a tough thing for me to do, but now I swear I’m maybe a little TOO go-with-the-flow on trips haha. Just remember there are so many resources at your fingertips to fall back on if you’re stumped. Think Hotel Tonight, Airbnb {which also has amazing experiences!}, Uber, etc. So go with the flow and see where your journey takes you! Literally.